Elsarticle - CAS: Difference between revisions

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<syntaxhighlight lang="latex">
<syntaxhighlight lang="latex">

\title[mode = title]{This is a title}
\title [mode = title]{Leveraging social media news to predict
                      stock index movement using RNN-boost}


\tnotetext[1]{Title notes}
%%  \tnoteref{tn1,tn2}

\tnotetext[1]{This document is the results of the research
   project funded by the National Science Foundation.}

\tnotetext[2]{The second title footnote which is a longer text matter
  to fill through the whole text width and overflow into
  another line in the footnotes area of the first page.}
{V. {{\=A}}nand Rawat}[type=editor,
Line 39: Line 45:
\credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology, Software}
\credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology, Software}

\author[2,4]{Chinese Author}[style=chinese]
\address[1]{Indian \TeX{} Users Group, Trivandrum 695014, India}
\author[2,4]{Han Theh Thanh}[style=chinese]

\author[1]{First Author}
{T. Rishi Nair}[%
Line 53: Line 58:

\credit{Credit text}
\credit{Data curation, Writing - Original draft preparation}
\address[2]{Sayahna Foundation, Jagathy, Trivandrum 695014, India}

\author[1,2]{Second Author}
{Karl Berry}

\address[2]{Unknown university, City, Country}
\address[3]{\TeX{} Users Group, Providence, MA, USA}
\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author text}
\fntext[fn1]{This is a author footnote.}

\nonumnote{This note has no numbers.}
\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author}
\cortext[cor2]{Principal corresponding author}
\fntext[fn1]{This is the first author footnote. but is common to third
  author as well.}
\fntext[fn2]{Another author footnote, this is a very long footnote and
  it should be a really long footnote. But this footnote is not yet
  sufficiently long enough to make two lines of footnote text.}
\fntext[fn3]{K. Berry is the editor of \TeX Live.}

\nonumnote{This note has no numbers. In this work we demonstrate $a_b$
  the formation Y\_1 of a new type of polariton on the interface
  between a cuprous oxide slab and a polystyrene micro-sphere placed
  on the slab. The evanescent field of the resonant whispering gallery
  mode (\WGM) of the micro sphere has a substantial gradient, and
  therefore effectively couples with the quadrupole $1S$ excitons in
  cuprous oxide.

\begin{abstract}[S U M M A R Y]
  This is a abstract. \lipsum[3]
In this work we demonstrate $a_b$
the formation Y\_1 of a new type of
polariton on the interface between a cuprous oxide slab and a
polystyrene micro-sphere placed on the slab. The evanescent field
of the resonant whispering gallery mode (\WGM) of the micro sphere
has a substantial gradient, and therefore effectively couples
with the quadrupole $1^S$ excitons in cuprous oxide. This
evanescent polariton has a long life-time, which is determined
only by its excitonic and \WGM component. The polariton lower
branch has a well pronounced minimum. This suggests that this
excitation is localized and can be utilized for possible \BEC. The
spatial coherence of the polariton can be improved by assembling
the micro-spheres into a linear chain.
First keyword \sep Second keyword \sep Third keyword \sep Fourth keyword
quadrupole exciton \sep polariton \sep \WGM \sep \BEC

Revision as of 11:29, 25 September 2018

Elsarticle - CAS

Class files


There are two class files

  1. cas-sc.cls for single column journals.
  2. cas-dc.cls for double column journals.

and have an option longmktitle to handle long front matter.

Front matter

\title [mode = title]{Leveraging social media news to predict
                      stock index movement using RNN-boost}


%%  \tnoteref{tn1,tn2}

\tnotetext[1]{This document is the results of the research
   project funded by the National Science Foundation.}

\tnotetext[2]{The second title footnote which is a longer text matter
   to fill through the whole text width and overflow into
   another line in the footnotes area of the first page.}

{V. {{\=A}}nand Rawat}[type=editor,
\ead[url]{www.cvr.cc, www.tug.org.in}

\credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology, Software}

\address[1]{Indian \TeX{} Users Group, Trivandrum 695014, India}

\author[2,4]{Han Theh Thanh}[style=chinese]

{T. Rishi Nair}[%

\credit{Data curation, Writing - Original draft preparation}

\address[2]{Sayahna Foundation, Jagathy, Trivandrum 695014, India}

{Karl Berry}

\address[3]{\TeX{} Users Group, Providence, MA, USA}

\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author}
\cortext[cor2]{Principal corresponding author}
\fntext[fn1]{This is the first author footnote. but is common to third
  author as well.}
\fntext[fn2]{Another author footnote, this is a very long footnote and
  it should be a really long footnote. But this footnote is not yet
  sufficiently long enough to make two lines of footnote text.}
\fntext[fn3]{K. Berry is the editor of \TeX Live.}

\nonumnote{This note has no numbers. In this work we demonstrate $a_b$
  the formation Y\_1 of a new type of polariton on the interface
  between a cuprous oxide slab and a polystyrene micro-sphere placed
  on the slab. The evanescent field of the resonant whispering gallery
  mode (\WGM) of the micro sphere has a substantial gradient, and
  therefore effectively couples with the quadrupole $1S$ excitons in
  cuprous oxide.

\begin{abstract}[S U M M A R Y]
In this work we demonstrate $a_b$ 
the formation Y\_1  of a new type of
polariton on the interface between a cuprous oxide slab and a
polystyrene micro-sphere placed on the slab. The evanescent field
of the resonant whispering gallery mode (\WGM) of the micro sphere
has a substantial gradient, and therefore effectively couples
with the quadrupole $1^S$ excitons in cuprous oxide. This
evanescent polariton has a long life-time, which is determined
only by its excitonic and \WGM component. The polariton lower
branch has a well pronounced minimum. This suggests that this
excitation is localized and can be utilized for possible \BEC. The
spatial coherence of the polariton can be improved by assembling
the micro-spheres into a linear chain.
quadrupole exciton \sep polariton \sep \WGM \sep \BEC

CAS Front matter


\title command have the below options:

  1. title: Document title
  2. alt: Alternate title
  3. sub: Sub title
  4. trans: Translated title
  5. transsub: Translated sub title
\title[mode=title]{This is a title}
\title[mode=alt]{This is a alternate title}
\title[mode=sub]{This is a sub title}
\title[mode=trans]{This is a translated title}
\title[mode=transsub]{This is a translated sub title}
CAS \title options
Title note marking
\tnotetext[1]{Title notes}
Title note


\author command have the below options:

  1. auid: Author id
  2. bioid: Biography id
  3. alt: Alternate author
  4. style: Style of author name chinese
  5. prefix: Prefix Sir
  6. suffix: Suffix
  7. degree: Degree
  8. role: Role
  9. orcid: ORCID
  10. collab: Collaboration
  11. anon: Anonymous author
  12. deceased : Deceased author
  13. twitter : Twitter account
  14. facebook : Facebook account
  15. linkedin : LinkedIn account
  16. plus: Google plus account
  17. gplus: Google plus account
Email id
URL address

Abstract and Keywords

 This is a abstract. \lipsum[3]

 First keyword \sep Second keyword \sep Third keyword \sep Fourth keyword
CAS Abstract and keywords


Normal tables

  \caption{This is a test caption.}
  \begin{tabular*}{\tblwidth}{@{} LLLL@{} }
    Col 1 & Col 2\\
    12345 & 12345\\
    12345 & 12345\\
    12345 & 12345\\
    12345 & 12345\\
    12345 & 12345\\
CAS Simple table

Span tables

  \caption{This is a test caption.}
  \begin{tabular*}{\tblwidth}{@{} LLLL@{} }
    Col 1 & Col 2 & Col 3 & Col4\\
    12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 \\
    12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 \\
    12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 \\
    12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 \\
    12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 \\
CAS Span table


Normal biography

The evanescent polariton provided by a single sphere gives the
time coherence necessary for the observable \BEC of the quadrupole
exciton. But the spatial coherence is limited to a small region
near the sphere. To improve the spatial coherence one has to
sacrifice the temporal coherence slightly by delocalizing the
corresponding \WGM. It can be done by using an array of spheres
aligned along the $z$ direction and separated by the distance
$\delta r_{0}$ (See Fig.\ref{FIG:2}).  

Custom biography

\textbf{Another Biography:}
Recent experimental \cite{HARA:2005} and theoretical
\cite{DEYCH:2006} studies have shown that the \WGM can travel
along the chain as "heavy photons". Therefore the \WGM acquires
the spatial dispersion, and the evanescent quadrupole polariton
has the form (See Fig.\ref{FIG:3}):